The Water Maiden

The Water Maiden

The Water Maiden


In the depth of the night,

When the stars were at sight,

When the moon shone bright,

And fought with darkness with all her might!

When the ocean was no more a fright,

When the waves caressed the shore,

ready to be his bride.

When nature sang her lullaby,

There arose a maiden,

slow & steady yet elegantly.

Her garb was like white fire,

flickering gently in tune with the breeze.

Her hair shone like a thousand suns.

She gild over the ocean graciously,

twisting and turning effortlessly,

to nature’s melody,

forming bright lit waves exquisitely.

All stood still in awe of her beauty

A true vision she was, in all clarity

She is unseen by many

Granting audience is a rarity

But she is a part of nature you see

Connect with nature

And she’ll make you privy

By The Shore

By The Shore

By The Shore

There is pleasure in the pathless woods, there is rapture in the lonely shore, there is society where none intrudes, by the deep sea, and music in its roar; I love not Man the less, but Nature more.
Quote – Lord Byron